Friday, August 23, 2013

Back to School means it’s after-school snack time again!

If you’re like me, every day after school your kids are asking you ‘What can we have for a snack?’  I usually haven’t even started to think about what I’m going to make for dinner.  Heaven knows I try to keep snacks healthy, but my kids are never going to be satisfied with carrot sticks or an apple wedges. When my son Jared, who is eight, gets home, he is always REALLY hungry. But I’ve just found a snack we’re all happy about. Chicken Snackerz!


 Jared didn't mind posing for the camera!

They taste great right out of the microwave and since they’re not fried they are good for my kids. It takes just 4 minutes AND I’m a good mom who isn’t giving my kids junk food!  See in the pic how I don’t even dirty any plates for snacktime. Yep, four kids and four Dixies cups and a little ketchup and voila, after school snacks are served!

I make cleanup fast & easy at snack time

Here’s what to look for at the store in the freezer section. Happy (after school) snacking!

Your kids will love Chicken Snackerz! Click here to get your coupon for $2 off a purchase of Chicken Snackerz now!

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Tasty Bites. The opinions and text are all mine.